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A Head Taller

 Why did you vote for him? Because he’s tall. How will he lead the country? Well, look at him. He’s more than a head and shoulders taller than everyone else. How will he defend the country? He’s tall! Other countries will be scared of him. But, what will he do to support agriculture? Increase commerce? Create law? Punish violators? Tax? Education? Immigration? Jobs? Healthcare? Poverty? Free speech? Gig jobs? Religious liberty? National forests? Infrastructure? Spending?... No, you’re missing the point. He’s TALL! … This is a true historical account of the selection of a national leader. And the consequences were catastrophic. Leading an entire country to despair, and for this particular leader, to lose his life and lives of his family. Though this incident occurred almost three thousand years ago, it rings true today. Consider this example. An individual from my community is put forward as a nominee. Yay! Of course, I am going to vote for him. He comes from where
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A Time for Choosing: Who Will You March With?

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Don't Lose the War Over Defunding Planned Parenthood

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Porn: Is it Really a Big Deal?

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